It's way past time for an update from the Refugee Elder Program! In November, we began meeting at Highland United Methodist Church, just a few blocks down from KRM on Cherokee Road. Since then, we've celebrated two elders passing their citizenship exams!
Abby and Althea (Catholic Charities) with Aung at his oath ceremony! |
Congrats to the new US citizens! |
This month, Aimee's class has been learning food and cooking terms. Today in school they made soup to demonstrate what they've been learning. Most of the Bhutanese Nepalis don't eat meat, so they made vegetable soup so all of the students could enjoy it. They shared it with the other classes and the entire pot was gone- it was a big hit!
Planning out the meal... |
Francisco and Carol are getting the broth ready |
Omar rinsing off the beans |
Musa stirring it all together |
The finished product! |
Abdel was a professional swimmer in Iraq. He brought his medals today to show off!
We're always having all kinds of fun at the Refugee Elder Program. I promise I'll try to update the blog more often!