Here's an update on what's been going on with the elder program lately! :)
In April, the program coordinator spoke to a gerontology class at Bellarmine University about refugee elders and how the program addresses their unique challenges and needs. Jolyana and Francisco attended the class as well and told their stories about being refugees and how the elder program has helped them in their new home.
Francisco telling his story to the class, with intern Bri interpreting |
At the end of April, one of the Elder Program students, Salma, became a US Citizen! Salma studied very hard and passed the test on her own abilities, rather than obtaining a medical waiver. This is a huge accomplishment and everybody is so proud of her!
Salma stating her name and where she is from at her Citizenship Oath Ceremony |
Speakers in the last month have included Jane Evans and Valens
Hasubizimana, Mental Health Coordinators from KRM and MRS of Catholic Charities, and Sophie Maier, Immigrant Services Librarian from the Louisville Free Public Library.
Clients love to check out library books when Sophie visits the program! |
Also in May, Dee Dee Hurt came to the program to offer a reading glasses clinic to all of the elder participants! Interpreters were on hand to help clients figure out which prescription fit best their needs, and each client was able to keep a pair of reading glasses for free. The program is very thankful for Dee Dee and the good work she does in our community!
Upcoming June events include a potluck picnic with KRM's Family Center, a World Refugee Day celebration and a field trip to the zoo with KRM's summer youth program.
Thank you for your interest and support of the Louisville Refugee Elder Program!