It was a peaceful autumn day filled with colorful leaves,
the smell of apple cider, and smiling faces.
Como se dice pumpkin
en Espanol? I asked a Cuban client named Francisco. Calabazo he answered, glancing out the window on the bus ride to Joe
Huber’s Orchard and Winery in Borden, IN.

As we passed the market, the elders became fascinated with
the pumpkins and gourds, pulling out their cameras in amazement.
Our journey
continued with Cindy leading us to the facility where the apples were harvested
and through the refrigeration facility where they were kept at icy temperatures.
Finally, it was time to go to the apple orchard. All the elders seemed to enjoy
apple picking. Some were even eating them right off the trees. Each elder was
allowed up to four free apples on behalf of the KRM Elder Program, which they
took full advantage of.