Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Over the Past Year...

A few weeks ago, we held our first ever Volunteer Appreciation Event and during the dinner, we were able to share some of the statistics that demonstrate what Elder Program has accomplished over the past year.  I'd like to share these numbers with everyone now; please note that if you were at the volunteer dinner, these numbers are slightly different as they represent July 2010 through June 2011. 

Without further ado, here is just a little glimpse of what we've accomplished over the past year:

Enrolled 29 new elders in the program

Added two additional classes

Matched 12 elders with a mentor

Logged 1,449.75 volunteer hours (and volunteers are still turning in their hours from June)

Helped six elders obtain their US citizenship- with several more now in the process

Recognized nationally by the Center for Applied Linguistics

It's hard to sum up a year with our elders with just a few statistics.  The Refugee Elder Program is about more than just numbers.  It's about  people working together to help the elders overcome their obstacles in literacy and civics knowledge.  It's about refugees given a chance to start again in a new country- no matter what their age or skill level.  It's about learning beautiful life lessons from the elders who teach us each so much every time we meet.

Thank you to our amazing staff, teachers, and volunteers.  This program is what it is because of you!  We look forward to seeing everyone a the Elder Program when we return in August; but remember to stay in touch via the blog.  You can also 'like' us on facebook. 

Again, thanks for a great year everyone!  We look forward to accomplishing even more next year...

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