Friday, September 2, 2011

Meet Our Intern: Sarah

You've already been introduced to Anna and Ashley, so we'd like to introduce you to the lovely (and might we add, simply hilarious) Sarah.

Sarah is a student at the Kent School of Social Work at the University of Louisville; she received her Bachelor's of Social Work from Kentucky State University in May of this year.  Like Ashley, she is also pursuing a specialization in gerontology.  Sarah has a great passion for policy and her individual project reflects this; she plans on assisting in the creation and maintenance of a curriculum for the elders in the program, as well as a developing a policy manual for future interns.

Why do you want to complete your internship with the Refugee Elder Program?

I have always had an interest in the elder population, and I knew I wanted to work with them during my internship.  The interest in the program came about during my interview of the directors of the program.  The commitment, excitement, and pure passion that was demonstrated by these people made me simply have to be a part of something great!

What about your internship are you most excited and most nervous?

I am excited about learning; one of the reasons I love the older population is because of the wisdom they can share.  I can learn so much from someone who has that life wisdom and a different background and culture than mine.  I am most nervous about being in a different environment and being sensitive enough to every one's wants and needs.  I hope to learn to be more of a listener.

What are your long term goals for your career and life?

I am pursuing my MSW because of the lack of voice that many populations have; as a long-term goal, I hope to remedy this for many oppressed groups through policy change and education.  On a smaller scale, I hope to focus my energy on the elder population and their needs.

Anything else?

I was born and raised in Frankfort, Kentucky and continue to live there.  I have two nephews; Carter is three and Blake is eight months- they are my life and my reason for wanting to have a rewarding career.  I want my family to be proud of me and to be proud of myself.

Sarah leads a small group in teacher Sarah's class.  Two Sarahs made it easy on the elders!

Welcome Sarah!  We are happy to have you- and your sense of humour- aboard.  If you would like to read more about our other interns, click here.

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