Thursday, November 17, 2011

Volunteer Spotlight: Bethany

It's time to meet another one of our dedicated volunteers!  Meet Bethany:

The lovely Bethany!

Bethany is involved with the mentoring part of the Elder Program.  She's mentored two different elders: one from Somalia and one from Bhutan.  Even though we don't get to see Bethany at the Elder Program, she is vital to the success of the program!  Read below to learn a little bit more about Bethany:

How did you get involved with the Refugee Elder Program?

I first got interested in refugee/internally displaced people and the issues surrounding them on a trip I took to Colombia in 2010. While there, I met many internally displaced people and was inspired and upset about the stories they told me and all the violence and injustice they've witnessed. When I got home, I knew I wanted to work more with refugees in my own town.

How often do you typically volunteer and how long have you been volunteering?

I started volunteering with KRM in 2010. I usually volunteer once a week at an elder's home, talking with them and going over the things they've been learning in class that week.

What do you enjoy the most about volunteering with the refugee elders?

Most of all, I love just getting to know them! I've worked with two women, and they were both very quiet and reserved at first. But the more we got to know each other, the more they seemed to open up and welcome me. The last woman I worked with, Juna, is such a special lady. It had been so rewarding to see her gain more confidence in herself and to learn more about her background.

What is the most challenging aspect about volunteering with the refugee elders?

The language barrier is definitely the most challenging. It can be really hard to communicate when you speak different languages, but both of the elders I worked with live with younger family members who were able to help us with translating.

How has this experience changed you?

Working with the elders has helped me put faces and personalities with the stories about refugees/IDPs in the news. I feel more of a responsibility to learn about and advocate for refugee rights since volunteering as a mentor. I'm also inspired by the elders' determination and will to learn. The refugee elders have been through things that I can never fully understand, but they still want to learn and improve their situations rather than give up.

Please give us some background information about yourself (career, family, hobbies, etc)...

I'm a reporter with the Presbyterian News Service and I travel a lot for work. I've been all over the United States and to Nicaragua, Colombia, Venezuela and Jordan for my job. I'm also getting married next year!

Anything else you would like to share about the program or elders?

I love the elder program and the elders! I'm so happy this service exists here in Louisville, and I hope it continues to help elders and bring in more volunteers.
Bethany, thanks for all your hard work!  Congratulations on your upcoming wedding; we can't wait to hear all about it and see some photos.  If you're interested in becoming a mentor like Bethany, please contact either Jenny Heineken Johnson at or Chris Clements at  If you'd like to read the stories of some of our other volunteers, click here.

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