Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Annual Refugee Elder Art Exhibit

The Iroquois Library hosts the Annual Refugee Elder Art Exhibit each August.  This exhibit showcases a collection of artwork created by the refugee elders throughout the year during their art classes with volunteer Joyce.  Joyce is a retired art therapist; she visits the elders every other Tuesday and works with a small group each time she is at the program.  Joyce brings her own supplies, her own ideas and projects, and her own wonderful spirit.  We just set up a few tables for her!

The elders participate in art classes on a rotating basis; it is truly amazing to see what the elders create.  While we certainly have some bonafide artists in the program, the majority of the elders simply enjoy creating their own 'works of art' while learning from Joyce and the other elders in their class.  For many, art classes with Joyce are a profound healing experience. 

The elders will visit the library later this month for a reception for the Refugee Elder Art Exhibit, but we encourage you to check out the show sometime this month.  The theme of this year's exhibit is Everyone's an Artist and Everything's a Canvas Here's a sneak preview of some of the amazing art you can expect to see:

The staff at the Iroquois Library deserve so many thanks for their support of the Elder Program!  We would like to especially thank Sophie for all the time she spends visiting the program and Karen for the absolutely amazing job she does with the art show each August.  We are so proud to work with you to help serve the refugee elder population.

And to Joyce, thank you for providing such an amazing opportunity to the elders!  Your work with them means more than we can say; thank you for everything you have done and will continue to do for the refugee elders.